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Health on the move Educational Caravan: teaching students the importance of a sound mind in a sound body

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Building on the success of the first Oral Health edition, the ASSIST Humanitarian Foundation's "Health on the Move" Educational Caravan returned to the "Acad. H. Mihăescu" Middle School in Udești in April, coinciding with Green Week!

This expanded edition of the caravan adopted a more comprehensive approach, collaborating with renowned organizations to deliver interactive workshops on a broader range of health topics for over 600 students from the Udești commune; the caravan extended its focus beyond physical health to encompass emotional well-being and practical life skills

Interactive learning empowers youngsters

Volunteers from the True Health Association helped students connect healthy eating and emotional well-being, solidifying the information they were given in the program's first phase. Students actively participated, and one of them enthusiastically said, "The workshop helped me understand the difference between depression and anxiety. It was great to learn that anger is a normal emotion we all experience sometimes!"

The team from the Novaoptic Ophthalmology Clinic provided valuable information on eye care and the prevention of eye problems, ensuring a holistic approach to health education. Gabriela Bodnari, an optometrist engineer at the clinic, stated with surprise: "I was impressed by their knowledge of eye health! This shows they understand the importance of limiting screen time and spending more time outdoors." 

Dr. Ana Cajvan, a pediatrician, covered the area of basic hygiene. Her presentation taught students to take responsibility for their health. She emphasized the importance of personal hygiene practices and disease prevention techniques while teaching them how to stop the spread of germs. 

Finally, SMURD volunteers from ISU Bucovina Suceava showed students essential first-aid techniques through hands-on sessions. Children had the chance to see and practice cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on mannequins and learn the Heimlich maneuver under the supervision of qualified medical personnel. This practical experience prepares them to respond effectively in emergencies. 

The mannequins were previously donated by the ASSIST Humanitarian Foundation to ISU Bucovina Suceava. This generous act highlights the positive impact of the Foundation's work, demonstrating how good deeds come back to the community. Students are thus given the chance to learn first aid techniques that could potentially save the lives of those around them. 


Collaboration creates lasting impact

The success of this expanded initiative would not have been possible without the valuable contributions of the following partners:

  • True Health Association
  • Novaoptic Medical Clinic
  • Dr. Ana Cajvan, pediatrician
  • ISU Bucovina Suceava - SMURD

Together, they created a rich and engaging learning experience for the students of Udești, empowering them to make informed choices and cultivate a healthy lifestyle.


ASSIST Humanitarian Foundation: committed to a Healthier Future

The ASSIST Humanitarian Foundation remains committed to promoting health education and healthy lifestyle habits among children and youth in rural areas of Suceava County.

Follow us for future updates on our ongoing efforts to assist, encourage, and support the younger generations! 
