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The ASSIST Humanitarian Foundation Donated CPR Mannequins and Multi-Venous Injection Arms to ISU Suceava

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The ASSIST Humanitarian Foundation completed a project that was launched last December. The goal was to equip the "Bucovina" Suceava County Emergency Situations Inspectorate with paramedic training equipment. The donation is worth 11,500 EUR and consists of three cardiopulmonary resuscitation mannequins and three multi-venous injection arms. This equipment is a realistic representation of the action areas in the human body and provides paramedics and volunteers with the opportunity to practice first aid techniques in the most accurate way possible. 

This project was made possible thanks to the support of over 300 members of the local community who contributed to our fundraising campaign launched at the Christmas Charity Concert. On the evening of the event, we managed to raise 3,600 EUR, and ASSIST Software donated double the value of the audience contribution. The 11,500 EUR needed were later completed with 300 EUR from NOVAOPTIC and online donations. 
The donated equipment was distributed to the fire stations in Suceava, Rădăuți and Vatra Dornei. Through these mannequins and injection arms, paramedics can now refine their essential first aid techniques, such as proper chest compressions and administering intravenous treatments, thus efficiently managing any medical emergency. 

In addition, the cardiopulmonary resuscitation mannequins will also reach schools. The ASSIST Humanitarian Foundation has facilitated a collaboration protocol between the County School Inspectorate and ISU Suceava to organize first aid courses for students. These training sessions prepare young people for potentially critical situations and show what training unfolds to all those interested in becoming emergency personnel. 
The CPR mannequins and multi-venous injection arms were officially handed over to ISU Suceava on April 17. Eight of our volunteers were present during the equipment handover, along with Prof. Dr. Petru Crăciun, Deputy Inspector General of Schools, and Prof. Ursulean Dumitru, School Inspector for Technical Disciplines. 

The Humanitarian Foundation ASSIST is proud to have contributed to improving the training of paramedics in Suceava County through this donation of essential equipment. 

We are grateful to the local community for their implication and for their commitment to continuing to support life-saving efforts through similar programs and initiatives. 
