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Fundația Umanitară ASSIST supports the Education for Safety in the Digital Age campaign

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On the 7th of February 2023, Fundația Umanitară ASSIST took part in an important awareness-raising activity for the local community. Since it was Safer Internet Day, we joined forces with major local partners and offered people support in increasing online safety. For 2 hours, we were present at Iulius Mall Suceava, where we engaged in helpful discussions with adults and children about Internet safety. In addition to the valuable information shared, we offered support through educational resources adapted to all age groups. 

Fundația Umanitară ASSIST believes that education to increase Internet safety is essential for all who have access to the online world. Risks and fraud attempts have become increasingly frequent and challenging to identify. Individuals have become the primary victims of cyber-attacks as the Internet is used daily for many purposes, such as work, information sharing, communication, etc. 

What are the most common online risks, and how can you avoid them? 

  • E-commerce fraud. E-commerce platforms available to individuals are an easy way for people to steal data and/or money from others. Whether you are a seller or a buyer, you can fall prey to those who intend to steal your bank card details. The most effective way to avoid such risks is by not providing anyone with your bank card details. Cards are not a money-collecting tool, and asking for card details is a common fraud tactic. 
  • Phishing and smishing. Phishing is a typical email fraud that attempts to steal information through malicious links. These come as messages accompanied by links to a website designed to appear trustworthy at first glance. Pay close attention to details like the source of the messages; it is easy to mistake these links for safe ones. Smishing is a similar type of scam; the only difference is that the messages are received via SMS. To prevent these types of risks, it is essential to pay attention to all the details in these emails and texts: source, addressing method, and requested data. Also, like in the first case, it is important not to provide bank card details if requested. In addition, do not provide personal information, passwords, or PIN codes. Keep an eye out for these types of suspicious messages and links, and when in doubt, don’t click on such links! 
  • Malware attacks, or as we know them - viruses. These cyberattacks occur when malicious software is installed on a device without the user’s approval. The malware infiltrates and damages software systems on computers, phones, or networks. No Internet user is immune from the risk of accessing viruses, so it is essential to use up-to-date anti-virus software. We also need to pay close attention to all the links we access.


The best way to protect yourself from risks on the Internet is prevention. This is why the ASSIST Humanitarian Foundation decided to join the initiatives launched as part of the "Education for Safety in the Digital Age" campaign. The event organized at Iulius Mall Suceava on Internet Safety Day was the first of many events planned for the campaign. This project will continue to provide necessary advice and resources for children and adults to help them stay safe online.
